Beginner Learning
‘How to’ videos and tutorials
Sage Accounting – The Basics
Get up and running with Sage Intelligence in no time! This playlist is dedicated to getting you started and helping you make the most of the basic features in Sage Intelligence.
(5 videos)
Quick Overview
This is a quick overview of Sage intelligence for Sage Accounting. You’ll quickly learn how to run, customize and save reports.
Running a report
Now that you are familiar with navigating to the reports section, let see how you can quickly run a report and set report filters.
Copying a report
With Sage Accounting, you can copy a report based on the template of an existing one. This helps save time during customizations. This video explores how.
Creating folders
Sage Accounting (as well as all versions of Sage Intelligence) allows you to create folders, which helps in organizing reports. This tutorial demonstrates that function.
The Help Menu
If you’re looking to further your knowledge or just need some assistance, the help menu has everything you need.
Intermediate Learning
‘How to’ videos and tutorials
Sage Accounting – Beyond the Basics
You have the basics covered, and now it’s time to take your cloud reports to the next level. To give you an idea of the features provided for you to do this, as well as to inspire you and reveal what could be possible when customizing your reports, check out this playlist.
(6 videos)
Customizing reports
We’ve seen how to run out a standard report. Now let’s explore how we can put our stamp on a report by fully customizing it to our needs.
Working with the calculator
In this video, we explore working with the advanced calculator and how to add headings and spacers to format your report for maximum readability.
Hiding Zero Rows
Sage Accounting has the ability to hide unwanted rows containing zero values. This video demonstrates just how.
Show Account Detail
You can display individual accounts belonging to the account categories. This video shows how you can both show and hide the account detail.
Show Subtotals
Sage Accounting dashboards allow you to choose where to feature subtotals on your report (be it top or bottom). This is a quick video on how to do this.
Show Account Numbers
Watch how you can choose to show or hide account numbers in Sage Accounting depending on the need.
Sage Accounting – Empower Yourself
Knowledge is power and Sage Business Cloud Accounting has all the business intelligence you need to make smart business decisions. Come explore each of the features and discover how they can help you spend less time crunching the numbers, and more time doing what you do best.
(7 videos)
Create a report from scratch
This video demonstrates how to create a report from scratch in Sage Accounting.
Introduction to The Filters Pane
This video introduces the filters pane which allows you to save time by adjusting the parameters of a report without having to rerun it.
Row and Column calculator
Learn the enhancements to the row and columns calculator in this short but concise video.
Run final report
This video illustrates how to run your final report after all customizations have been made.
Sharing your reports
After running out a report you may want to share it with other colleagues or distribute it to contacts. This video shows just how you can do this.
Importing Reports
This video illustrates how you can import a Sage intelligence report from another company or colleague for enhanced collaboration.
Exporting Reports
Exporting a report allows you to use the report within another company or to share it with others. This video shows just how.
Advanced Learning
‘How to’ videos and tutorials
Sage Intelligence for Accounting – Advanced
This playlist covers the more advanced reporting capabilities including: working with external datasets, downloading to (and working in) excel while still connected to the cloud and a few workshop webinars. Recommended for those who want total control of their reporting.
(4 videos)
Downloading to Excel
Did you know that Sage Accounting also allows you to download a report to Excel and still allow you to work with online data? This video show just how that function can be accomplished.
Working with external data sets
In this video webinar, we explore the powerful capabilities Sage Accounting offers when working with external datasets.
Get insights with dashboards
In this webinar, we explore how you can use the Sage Accounting interactive dashboards to get better insights into your data using advanced methods.
Running a Management Pack
This video explains what a management pack is and how to use and create a management pack.
Tips and Tricks
‘How to’ videos and tutorials
Sage Intelligence for Accounting – Tip and Tricks
The following playlist shows the ever so helpful tips and tricks and best practices when using Sage intelligence dashboards and reports.
(4 videos)
Tips and Tricks Part 1
In this segment, we are going to take you through a few tips and tricks to help you get the most out of your reporting dashboards.
Tips and Tricks Part 2
Continuing from part 1, we explore even more tips and tricks when working with Sage Accounting dashboards.
Management Pack Tips and Tricks
From keeping things organized to easily comparing data we’ve compiled a list of top tips and tricks to get the most out of your management pack.
Dashboard Tips and Tricks
In this video, we go through a few tips and tricks when working with Sage Accounting dashboards, to get the most out of the reporting experience.