Your Virtual Training Journey

Accessing your MS Teams
training session

Accessing your eBook for
your training session

Completing the training
evaluation after your session

Downloading your
certificate of completion

Accounts, Emails & Passwords

You do not have to create a new account if you already have a Sage University account with an old email address.
You can easily change your email address.

You can change your email address, by accessing the Sage User Account Management area.

You can change your password, by accessing the Sage User Account Management area.

You can change your personal information such as your name or surname, by accessing the Sage User Account Management area.

Send an email to [email protected] requesting your profile be removed.

Once your request has been confirmed, your profile will be anonymized within 5 business days.

First, check your Junk folder as communications can sometimes be sent there.

You can also add *.* to your company’s network email server exception list to allow all Sage communications to be delivered safely.

Additional Training

View step-by-step instructions on how to find virtual training for which you have registered.

View step-by-step instructions on how to request training on Sage University.

Evaluations & Certificates

Evaluating our courses is important to us to deliver world class training. View step-by-step instructions on how to evaluate your virtual course.

If you have completed an e-learning course or an assessment, you can print a completion certificate.


View detailed instructions on how to access your learning packing on Sage University.

Learn how to change your pop-up blocker settings.